A MEDical MIRAcle Comes to Life
Out of an intense passion for science and a desire to create diagnostics that could impact healthcare on a global level, MedMira was born. In 1993, co-founders Hermes Chan and Carlina Hui, both recent graduates of Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, brought their innovation to life. MedMira Rapid Vertical Flow Technology™ – a MEDical MIRAcle – enables rapid tests that instantly detect antibodies to infectious, sexually transmitted, tropical and other diseases, and any other target of interest.
Today, MedMira’s technology platform and testing solutions are known worldwide for their quality, accuracy and speed, and our HIV test is the only one in the world to earn the approval of Health Canada, the United States Food & Drug Administration (FDA), the European Union (CE) and the China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA).
Through MedMira, Hermes and Carlina have achieved both professional and personal success. MedMira’s patented technology and rapid tests have been recognized on the world stage through top tier regulatory approvals, endorsement by leading global organizations such as the United Nations and United States Army, and various industry awards. Hermes and Carlina take great pride in the advancements they have contributed to global healthcare and the biotechnology industry.

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