
An estimated 12 million people are infected each year with syphilis. This sexually transmitted disease is easy to treat and cure, however, left untreated it can lead to serious health problems.
Our Reveal rapid syphilis test detects TP (treponema pallidum) antibodies in serum, plasma or whole blood.
Reveal TP is available in three product formats as follows:
Point-of-Care: ideally suited for fingerstick whole blood testing at the point of patient care in settings requiring a portable and all-in-one testing solution
Cat. No. 815311005282
Qty. 20 tests per box
LAB+: this format maximizes testing flexibility for whole blood, serum or plasma specimens
Cat. No. 815311005299
Qty. 50 tests per box
LAB S/P: for use with serum and plasma specimens in the laboratory and batch testing
Cat. No. 815311005305
Qty. 50 tests per box
Reveal TP is not cleared by the FDA and therefore cannot be sold or used in the USA.
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